Saturday, July 21, 2012

      “You can't imagine what a pleasure this complete laziness is to me: not a thought in my brain- you might send a ball rolling through it!” (a quote b Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy) that is how I felt this morning. I sat around all morning in my pajamas (a tank top and fleece bottoms) ate breakfast and just hung out. 
       We talked about going to Zinacantan which is a little village close to San Cristobal. Because I was so happy to just hang about, I objected. We later decided to not go because of my mom's stomach pains. I want to get stronger upper body muscles because girls tend to have stronger legs and I want to be just as strong as boys. At Sedem where we play soccer, they have a running track and some metal exercise machinery open to the public. We did a couple circuits of that while my mom took a nap at home. She also got a massage while we were out. 
       We ate dinner and played spoons (in which there was a rare coincidence of three winning hands at the same time) 

while listening and singing to Fiddler on the Roof which I think is one of the best musicals of all time. As I am writing this, the rest of my family somehow got sucked into watching random videos on youtube that started with rock climbing and ended with cute pig videos.

Good Night!

p.s. Here are my toes all wrapped up on Friday before soccer.


  1. how do you play spoons? does the winner get to take the other players spoons and using them, take alternating bites of a large blow of icecream? if so- I can totally see myself getting into that game.
    a day to lay around is always nice, isn't it? the only thing that could make it better (I think) is Michael Jackson. maybe for you it would be Adele- but regardless music always helps.
    my favorite songs of his right now are
    dirty Diana and they don't care about us.
    also; if you're looking for a funny video on YouTube, look up the spoon trick. it's hilarious! my dad and I did that once to Quinn- which makes it even funnier.
    and they don't care about us

    1. that would be a fun way to play spoons. Unfortunately it is not that interesting. Music would have made it better.I will have to look it up I am curious!!!

  2. I love the Tolstoy quote...I feel that way today. It's 1pm and I've sat at the kitchen table all day surfing the web and reading email and your blogs, pinning pictures on Pinterest, etc. Now that I know Tolstoy approves, I won't worry about my lazy day. :-)

