Monday, July 16, 2012

        Today was very interesting day, emotionally and physically.
        I woke up early and ate a croissant for breakfast. After, I took a shower and I got all geared up in my England National team jersey. We drove over to what we thought was a soccer game from 8 am to 12 pm. We had been misinformed and instead were directed to an all sports camp or a purely soccer one. I started to get really really homesick.  I didn't want to have to be the foreigner and not know anyone. I wished for one of my friends to accompany me. I had a lot of trouble deciding which camp to go to. I was feeling very unready to socially experiment.We ended up taking a break from the idea of going to a camp and kick a ball around for a while.

      We talked to the coach of the soccer camp and we are going to try that one tomorrow. I will be practicing with boys my age because none of the girls on his team has shown up. SOOOOO I will kick some Mexican boys butts at soccer!!!!! I remembered Emery!!!

      After we played some indigenous boys in soccer (and figured out how out of shape we are), we went to the store and made a couple messes within 20 feet of the entrance. I spotted some missionaries in the enormous Chedraui so by keeping Emery's family's tradition, I punched Oscar for them!

       Upon returning home I face timed my grandparents for the first time which was very very fun! We ate dinner and are currently making fun of the things Cowjie does. Good Night!!


  1. Did you remember to make strawberry preserves on the dy of the garage sale? because if you did- it would go great on a croissant :)

    1. that's funny you popped Oscar for the missionaries! I'm happy you remember. that sounds like it was kind of a crazy day- I think I would feel the same way- Im not always to keen on meeting people, either.

    2. YUM!! Yeah and a while before I punched him for a really dressed up man!! Whoops!

  2. I can't blame you for feeling homesick now and then, but I'm so impressed by your attitude toward this whole adventure. Kick some Mexican boy butt! (Once you get used to the altitude, anyway.)

    I love your blogging--so honest and perceptive. Funny, too.

  3. Oh! I found out how to comment. I still can't comment on Oskar's blog but I'm so glad he set his hair on fire and not his head!

    It's so cool to be able to keep up with you guys. So glad that Cowjie (SP) was willing to come off the ledge. Rewarding him with catnip is an excellent idea. Also asking him what he expects you to tell Goldie if he doesn't return.

    Smally is doing better. He woke me up at midnight (too early for me) and wanted to play. OK...I'll try to post this and see if I can do it before I write too much more...and then lose it!

    Jan and Dennis

    1. Yeah I mean how would we control goldie in her maniac happy faze! I am glad that Smally feels better!!!!
