Sunday, July 15, 2012

          Today was a whirl wind. I got up later this morning after a strange dream about Shawn Johnson!!
           We ate breakfast and did chores.  I beat the ugly rugs with a broom handle! It was quite satisfying! I helped my mom set up a chart for daily, weekly and monthly chores. 
           I also found an unused room at the top of some blue stairs in our backyard. You can't access it from the rest of the house. I was thinking it would be a cool place to have a kids room! We decided to call it the Room of Requirement like the room in Harry Potter! I think it will be a perfect name because it can be used for whatever interests the child guests that come! I was thinking that it could be used as a spy base or a nerf gun war planning room or maybe a Harry Potter common room! 
       Today as I was sitting out on our balcony I noticed Cowjie was on a small 20 FOOT LEDGE!!!!!!! He had no idea how to get down!!! Crazy cat! I yelled to my dad to help him and so he came up and we decided the best way to get him down was to coax him to go across our roof to us!!!! He eventually came and after the whole deal we decided to give him some catnip so that he would always want to come home. A while ago Oscar came into the room that I am in and said he had ACCIDENTALLY BURNED PART OF HIS HAIR!!!!! It smelled terrible and his hair appeared to have caramelized! 
         We decided to go visit our friends that we stayed with a couple times! They were very nice! It was good to see them and even against our best intentions we are going to sleep later than we hoped yet again! 


  1. by the way it didn't hurt if someone was wondering.

    1. Oscar! I have to figure out what I'm doing wrong on your blog that I can't comment. One thing is I think I fail both the visual and aural tests that determine if one is a robot. Oh well. Who knew? I guess since you were taking pictures of your hair and writing about it we all assumed it didn't hurt, or hurt enough. You know how everyone says to be careful not to cut yourself on an open can? I really cut my finger badly so we've both learned not to set our hair on fire and be careful with can lids...I'll post this if I can prove I'm not a robot.

  2. how did Oscar burn his hair? was he playing with matches or something?? I'm glad Oscars ok

    also I vote it becomes spy HQ- that would be awesome!

    1. That would be awesome!! Oscar wanted to hear the sound of gas coming out of a lighter. Now he knows and he has a little less hair!!

  3. Wow, two mysterious/fascinating things today: "an unused room at the top of some blue stairs" (your idea for a Room of Requirements sounds great, but it also sounds like the start of a mystery story), and caramel hair (don't put that on ice cream, though).

    Thanks for writing these entries! I told your mom that I'm impressed with you as a writer--anyone who uses the word "adorned" (I think you used that in an email to me) is a clever writer in my book. We all know these words, but a clever writer (like you) pulls them out of the vocabulary sack and actually uses them.

  4. Teehee!! thank you! I just try to use interesting words.

  5. I was wondering- who's Shaun Johnson?

    1. She is an olympic class gymnast who is about 20 and is now retired because of a knee injury.
