Thursday, July 26, 2012

     I am nervous to say that people here seem to be nicer because of what happened last time I said that, so instead I will say, the people currently in my soccer camp are really nice. At soccer camp, we did pretty much the same things as yesterday except with more squabbling on everyone's parts about what the score was of a certain soccer game yesterday. I think it was 4-3 our advantage, but oh well. We started doing scrimmage and I was picked third. That was a small personal accomplishment for me!! We didn't win even with help from our coach, but it could have been worse!! 
     I got my first ball to my stomach! It wasn't as bad as I would have imagined. It wasn't soft either; it was kicked by the best player in the whole camp, and he kicks pretty hard! Later when he saw me clutching my stomach he even apologized. Only the exceptional few would apologize without trying to make some excuse about why it was my fault! I feel that even though I don't know these people very well, when they laughed when water dripped down my face, it felt like they were laughing with me and less at me. Sebastian, who I was telling you about yesterday, gave me a thumbs up before we started to play as if to say we can win! Even though we didn't. 
    My dad and Oscar went to get some quick snack food and rock climbing tape while I stayed in the car and started to read a really long article about Ben Stiller in the New Yorker. We went home and ate lunch and listened to the Beatles! 
    This is a picture of a mysterious trap door in our driveway!! Let your imagination run free and comment on what you think is underneath!! I was thinking maybe a private stash of marshmallows that they didn't want anyone to eat! Don't even think about saying a plumbing system! This should be creative!

After eating a late lunch we walked around town and got some french fries and crepes. Crepes are one of my favorite kinds of desserts!!
Good Night!


  1. Underneath the trapdoor is...another driveway, identical to the first, with its own trapdoor. And under THAT trapdoor is...another driveway, identical to the first...

    Just kidding. Under the trapdoor is a small, empty room. If you climb down into it and close the trapdoor above you, you will hear a sound like two massive plates of rock grinding against each other. When you open the trapdoor and come back up, everything will look the same--at first. Your neighbors, however, now speak German instead of Spanish. Oscar will be in heaven...Yumina, not so much.

  2. Good thought, Wilhelmina: everyone knows that marshmallows are best cached under 200 pounds of rock. (Just where you'd least expect it!)

    I don't know what's under there, but late last night I _thought_ i heard a little girl crying...sound seemed to be coming from the area of the stone door. "Mama....Mama...Yo soy tan frio, Mama!!!"

    (Dad and I have been wondering why the rent on this house was so low...)

  3. my thoughts on the trap door:
    I bet it leads to an underground tunnel system, unused for hundreds of years. still useable, but filled with cobwebs and dead mice, and maybe even a dead body or two. where it leads has been speculated for decades, but where we may never know, as sections of it have crumbled, blocking the path to treasure, perhaps, or certain death. (mwa ha ha )

    1. OOOH sounds like a excerpt from a book!! (a very good one I might add)

  4. That's where Cowjie keeps his climbing tape, gloves, and ropes.

  5. Didn't you know that is your private entrance to Chedraui...I think all houses in Mexico have them. We weren't able to locate ours in the condo we stayed at in Akumal, I suspected it was in the caretakers condo. So, unfortunately we had to drive to Chedraui whenever we went. Pretty cool store though :)
