Wednesday, July 25, 2012

      Today was very amusing! As usual, we did drills in the morning and at the end we had two scrimmage games. Oscar and I were in the scrimmage game for the older kids. A boy named Sebastian who came yesterday asked Oscar if he and I were siblings. Oscar replied yes. After we got a water break, Profe was helping Oscar with his foot pain. Sebastian asked me what Oscar's name was and I started to say Oscar the way you would pronounce it in English and then told him the way that you would say it in Spanish. I yelled Oscar in the English version and Sebastian tried to copy it making it  sound like Oscuar. I told him that it sounds different in English. So we finished the game and after having a controversial discussion about what the score was (I think it was 4-3 though Oscar will disagree, Oscar, don't even start), Sebastian asked me where I learned English!!! I was shocked. I replied I am from the United States we are going to live here for a year and then return to the United States!!!! Did he think that we were seriously shy Mexicans who barely talked? Or did he think (as Oscar hoped) that we were German or something? I don't think that last one was possible because if we were German wouldn't we be speaking German? Anyway I thought that today was pretty fun even though my dad pulled out of the parking lot with me flashing a four to Mario who was on the other team (he disagreed and thought the scrimmage game was 3-3, well we will finish it tomorrow)! My name has evolved from Wilhelmina to Guillermina to Yumina to the current Yurmina!!! They call me Yur for short!
     We came home and hung around the house for a while. My dad felt really bad, we think that he has the same thing as my mom. I walked Oscar to his rock climbing which is a block away. After my mom had her Spanish lesson she and I went to the food market to get some flowers and a candle to bring to the fourth day of mourning of Rodolfo de Jesus Aguilar Zuniga's death. The family band, in which Jesus used to play, sang at the memorial. It is close friends and family in the band. They all have amazing voices and it is really beautiful to listen to. It is so sad that he died when his baby was so young. His baby (also named Jesus) is one of THE cutest babies I have seen (next to Alice) EVER. Jesus jr. really loved Oscar and kept baby kissing him by leaning forward and opening his mouth!!
    Good Night!!!      


  1. Yumina? Well, I suppose it has a nice enough sound, but I like Wilhelmina better. I hope both your parents recover fully soon--and you and Oscar don't get sick at all.

    It's interesting, if sad, to hear about the mourning traditions there. I have to say, I think they do a better job of it than we do in the U.S. Maybe because they have more experience of it? So sad to think about. How did Jesus die?

    1. The name IS interesting!! I like my name normally better BUT they can't pronounce it very well!! Jesus had a stroke and then went into a coma (well as far as we can tell). The doctors then pronounced him brain dead. It is really sad especially because his mom babyed him a lot and she is just devastated.

  2. I am not surprised Sebastian thought you were Mexican! that is so cool! also- as names and nicknames go, Yumina isn't a bad one. I like it! (not as much as Wilhelmina, but still)
    that is sad about Jesus!

    1. They call me Yur which sounds odd but I now kind of answer to those names! Don't start calling me that though (PLEASE)
