Tuesday, July 31, 2012

         Today was somewhat formless. At the "early" hour of 8:45 I was forced to wake up. I ate breakfast and taped my feet. With Oscar and my dad, we walked over to the rock climbing place where my brother often climbs. After signing some papers and setting up the mats, we were ready to start climbing. Our trainer Alejandro made up this game where every time it was your turn to climb the route you would add on two different hand holds that everyone would have to do. So after you climbed the route of rock hand holds that everyone else had made up you would add on two more. It got kind of hard some times. After every turn my hands would be killing me. They were red and starting to get callused. Maybe I am doing something wrong because I hardly have any soreness in my arms!
          We came home and watched some more olympics in which two Mexican women won the silver medal in synchronized diving. The rest of the day it was hard to find anything else besides replays of the event. I made some earrings and read during breaks. At one point I flipped through the channels of Spanish-speaking channels and english channels with subtitles, to see if any channels had randomly decided to play some Olympics. As I was doing that I ran across some sort of reality show with Kim and Kourtney Kardashian. As I watched, something controversial happened and Kim said in an "interview" "Scott is acting like SO immature, he needs to like grow up". I was thinking "Uh YOU need to like grow up".
          Before my dad left for his adult soccer game, I started to make Pesto. It is my favorite meal ever!!! First, because we bought the basil from the market, we had to pick out the bad basil and clean all of it. That took a lot longer than I expected because the leaves are a lot smaller here. I make my pesto with basil, olive oil, parmesan cheese, walnuts (instead of pine nuts), salt and garlic. My mom and I don't use measuring cups and such because we make it by taste. I couldn't tell you the measurements even if I wanted to!
        My mom went for another run with my dad after he returned from his soccer game and we played bluff before bed.
Good Night!

Monday, July 30, 2012

        Today was cat central. Of course we woke up and watched the Olympics and had a breakfast which included most of the food groups except fruit!! We realized soon after that we had to quickly get ready for the final (or so we thought) memorial event for Jesus. We arrived at their house and we all proceeded to walk to the church that they got to for mass. Doña Lesvia's daughter had hurt her back and had trouble getting up and down things. The family band sang and the priest talked for a little while. Most everyone was crying and even I had tears in my eyes. It was just really sad. After mass we walked back to Doña Lesvia's house for some delicious food. We ate and upon saying good bye to everyone found out that there was a final ceremony at 7 o'clock tonight. We were all a little disappointed by the news because even though we wanted to be there for the family we had (selfishly) hoped that we would be able to have a quiet night at home. We walked home and my parents had their Spanish lessons while I caught up on my blog entries for the past few days.
      We later decided to make up an excuse about why we couldn't go to Doña Lesvia's tonight because my mom seemed really stressed with all the work she had been doing. My dad and I went out to go get some wine as a treat and ended up coming back with pastries, vegetables, chocolate, hot sauce and a sticker. We kept finding things that we wanted to get. We came back and watched some more Olympics and ate the brownie wood like biscottis with milk.
     Lately we have had the cats use a litter box, because of that we smell everything that goes on in there. I mean EVERYTHING! (My mom had to talk to Oscar about not spraying the cat's butt with Febreze no matter how bad it smells!) So when something started to stink REALLY bad we figured out it was Cowjie and after consulting our veterinarian, we got him some medicine and have had to administer Cowjie liquid medicine through a syringe. He is a big baby and he is really strong. My dad has to hold him between his legs and open his mouth and squirt the medicine into his resisting mouth. He sometimes foams a little out of his mouth and occasionally attempts to swat the air.
Good Night!!
        Yesterday was a very peaceful day for me. At 11 am on Sunday we drove to our friend Maria-Elena's house. In three cars we began our journey to Beatriz's (our Landlady's) property outside of San Cristobal. Once we arrived, we set up a picnic and started to grill some meat. We explored the place a little which is a bit of forest that has some corn planted throughout the uneven ground. It is a really beautiful place to be. After sitting around her artificial pond, I went back to the main area where we were staying. I lay down on our picnic blanket and closed my eyes. I wasn't sleeping, I just liked to feel the wind, listen to the people talking, hear the beautiful sound of the wind moving through the branches of the pine trees and just relax in the shade. My mom roused me from my resting to get me to eat. We had peanuts, meat, salad, bread and for dessert, brownie wood. Now some of you may be wondering "oh what new kind of treat is that?" In fact, brownie wood is just brownies that are very hard due to some sort of cooking problem. I had a bunch of mini ones even though they were slightly painful to eat. From eating all of those delicious-tasting but painful-eating brownies, my last baby tooth that I had yet to lose started to hurt. As we played a very animated game of paddle ball, tripping over random mounds and dips, I started to lose my tooth. After we finished playing I pulled out the rest of my tooth!
      After our lovely picnic we decided to accompany the rest of the group to Teopisca (a town nearby) to have a hot chocolate or coffee. We sat down inside of a restaurant on the city square and got some drinks. Maria-Elena walked me to the church also on the square. It is the oldest church in Chiapas and a three hundred year-old altar was shipped from another town to be installed in this church. It was really beautiful; around the walls there were saints in glass cases and in one we were surprised to see that there was a black saint! Of course when we got home we googled it and it turned out to be Saint with a name that I instantly forgot! Sorry about that!
    Upon arriving home and eating dinner we played the game called Bluff, BS or as some adults like to call it Bull S***. It was very fun and my mom won the game. Similar to other nights we moved over to the TV and tried to watch the Olympics.
        No matter how much I had eaten an hour earlier I ate a LOT !! On Saturday we got up and sat around watching the Olympics. We had a really nice breakfast of pancakes, bacon and the works! We had a nice morning with the exception of Oscar hitting his elbow on the coffee table after I tried to grab the blanket from him to tickle him. Well it was nice until we had to clean the house. Oscar and I were given the task of sweeping the driveway which is a lot harder to do than you might expect. Well it takes LONGER than you would expect I suppose.
          At seven o'clock we got ready to walk to Doña Lesvia's for another day of memorial service. We accidentally came an hour earlier than they decided to start that day so we sat around and played rock/paper/scissors for a while. My dad tried to teach us to additional things for rock/paper/scissor which are grandma and dynamite. Grandma blows out dynamite and crumples paper, rocks and scissors beat grandma, and scissors cut the wick of dynamite. (Nana and JoJo: this has nothing to do with you guys I did not make this up!!) At Doña Lesvia's, the family band sang, said the Rosary, sang some more and gave us food (which seems to help Doña Lesvia take her mind off Jesus, her son). The food was very good and we went home well fed.
        Even being well fed we ordered pizza and played Settlers of Catan over dinner. We then moved over to the couch and coffee table and ate caramel popcorn while watching some more Olympics!

Sorry for my tardiness in writing about Saturday and Sunday!

Friday, July 27, 2012

Today is all about sports (well mostly). Profe had promised us that we could scrimmage the whole time so after doing only a couple drills, we got on teams. It was a hard game and the time we were closest to winning was when Oscar scored the second goal (which was really awesome) making us tied. Even though we didn't win I felt like I played well. We decided to play on Profe's league so we would have practice four days a week our less if we choose. We would have games on Saturdays so it would be kind of like soccer in the US. I am excited and I feel that I will get a lot better!! Here is a picture of Oscar and I playing:
In the all red with the goalie gloves is Martine, Oscar is grimacing, Mario in the red shorts and white shirt, Victor the goalie on the ground, Toño in the green and black jersey and me in the back, prematurely cheering! It did go in by the way.
This is me trying to dribble around a boy named Jose.
    It started to dump as we were driving home and we all huddled indoors. We watched some funny animal videos and then read and hung out for a while. We then watched the opening ceremony for the London Olympics. I thought it was really cool! If I could watch three sports events I would watch the Olympics, the World Cup (men and women) and either the French Open or Wimbledon. I loved the way that they lit the torch this year. As all the countries walked in I tried to pronounce the names (most of them probably pretty poorly) and I cheered for England and all the countries I love and made comments about the countries such as: That's were Eddie's dad is from etc. I am listening to Adele and getting ready to eat dinner!
Good Night!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

     I am nervous to say that people here seem to be nicer because of what happened last time I said that, so instead I will say, the people currently in my soccer camp are really nice. At soccer camp, we did pretty much the same things as yesterday except with more squabbling on everyone's parts about what the score was of a certain soccer game yesterday. I think it was 4-3 our advantage, but oh well. We started doing scrimmage and I was picked third. That was a small personal accomplishment for me!! We didn't win even with help from our coach, but it could have been worse!! 
     I got my first ball to my stomach! It wasn't as bad as I would have imagined. It wasn't soft either; it was kicked by the best player in the whole camp, and he kicks pretty hard! Later when he saw me clutching my stomach he even apologized. Only the exceptional few would apologize without trying to make some excuse about why it was my fault! I feel that even though I don't know these people very well, when they laughed when water dripped down my face, it felt like they were laughing with me and less at me. Sebastian, who I was telling you about yesterday, gave me a thumbs up before we started to play as if to say we can win! Even though we didn't. 
    My dad and Oscar went to get some quick snack food and rock climbing tape while I stayed in the car and started to read a really long article about Ben Stiller in the New Yorker. We went home and ate lunch and listened to the Beatles! 
    This is a picture of a mysterious trap door in our driveway!! Let your imagination run free and comment on what you think is underneath!! I was thinking maybe a private stash of marshmallows that they didn't want anyone to eat! Don't even think about saying a plumbing system! This should be creative!

After eating a late lunch we walked around town and got some french fries and crepes. Crepes are one of my favorite kinds of desserts!!
Good Night!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

      Today was very amusing! As usual, we did drills in the morning and at the end we had two scrimmage games. Oscar and I were in the scrimmage game for the older kids. A boy named Sebastian who came yesterday asked Oscar if he and I were siblings. Oscar replied yes. After we got a water break, Profe was helping Oscar with his foot pain. Sebastian asked me what Oscar's name was and I started to say Oscar the way you would pronounce it in English and then told him the way that you would say it in Spanish. I yelled Oscar in the English version and Sebastian tried to copy it making it  sound like Oscuar. I told him that it sounds different in English. So we finished the game and after having a controversial discussion about what the score was (I think it was 4-3 though Oscar will disagree, Oscar, don't even start), Sebastian asked me where I learned English!!! I was shocked. I replied I am from the United States we are going to live here for a year and then return to the United States!!!! Did he think that we were seriously shy Mexicans who barely talked? Or did he think (as Oscar hoped) that we were German or something? I don't think that last one was possible because if we were German wouldn't we be speaking German? Anyway I thought that today was pretty fun even though my dad pulled out of the parking lot with me flashing a four to Mario who was on the other team (he disagreed and thought the scrimmage game was 3-3, well we will finish it tomorrow)! My name has evolved from Wilhelmina to Guillermina to Yumina to the current Yurmina!!! They call me Yur for short!
     We came home and hung around the house for a while. My dad felt really bad, we think that he has the same thing as my mom. I walked Oscar to his rock climbing which is a block away. After my mom had her Spanish lesson she and I went to the food market to get some flowers and a candle to bring to the fourth day of mourning of Rodolfo de Jesus Aguilar Zuniga's death. The family band, in which Jesus used to play, sang at the memorial. It is close friends and family in the band. They all have amazing voices and it is really beautiful to listen to. It is so sad that he died when his baby was so young. His baby (also named Jesus) is one of THE cutest babies I have seen (next to Alice) EVER. Jesus jr. really loved Oscar and kept baby kissing him by leaning forward and opening his mouth!!
    Good Night!!!      

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

      Soccer camp was stressful today, it wasn't bad but the weight of the whole scrimmage rested on my shoulders!!! Ahhhh!! There is another girl here her name is Paula and she is eleven years old! Okay so we did some unusual drills to start off the day that seemed kind of basket ball like. One of them was where you pass the soccer ball under your legs holding it and then another was to pass it between your legs. We did a small scrimmage which was tied 0-0. We decided to have a shoot out. So of course I became last. My first shot was awful it didn't even leave the ground. Profe let me go again, I was kind of terrified to miss again in that wimpy way. I missed on my second shot but it was high just to far right. So the shoot out was still tied, and Profe decided that it would be a GREAT idea to have the two girls who were on different teams to shoot one last time to decide who won. So the pressure was immense since we had both missed before so I wasn't even sure if I could make it. BLEH I get nervous even thinking about it. So she kicked it and it didn't even leave the ground and our goalie caught it easily. Then it was my turn... I just started running towards it before I could really think about it. My foot connected with the ball and it went to the upper left part and it just barely brushed the goalie's fingertips and went in!!!!! I was very happy and I can only imagine how awful I would have felt if I had missed!!!!
     We went home and hung out around home for a while. My mom felt a whole lot better today then yesterday!!!! At around four my mom and I took Oscar to go rock climb in a small rock climbing gym. We walked around and looked at a yoga place. We walked home and I watched some Bill Cunningham videos which are really awesome. He is an older man who bikes around Manhatten and takes pictures of trends that people are wearing. He makes them into videos for the New York Times here is the link for his videos:
http://video.nytimes.com/video/playlist/style/on-the-street/1247463985977/index.html#100000001489085 If this doesn't link you can copy and paste. If you see one video you will understand why I think they are so great. As my mom says you can here that he gets a kick out of life!!
   I read some Pride and Prejudice. If you don't know who this book is written by and you are over the age of 11. You need to read some classics!!
   We ate dinner outside and are planning to play a card game.
     Good Night!!  
      It is the simple things that make life wonderful. Soccer camp had significantly fewer people yesterday, at least six that I can count. I was having the hardest time to lift the ball off the ground when I kick, (or as they say in Mexico volar or fly). I just couldn't figure out how to put all the tips that Profe had told me together. He told me to separate my support foot from the ball, kick lower down on the ball, lift my core up and follow through by lifting my leg up after I kick. After camp Oscar and I stayed for a while to wait until my dad came from the track near by. We kicked at the fence for practice. When my dad came  he tried to help me but said practically the exact opposite things than my coach. They talked it over and my dad just told me to do what ever my coach suggested. Just before we left I finally got the hang of it. I was very happy and I just want to keep working so that I can get better.
       It seems as though our life revolves around Chedraui. Because after camp we went..... Guess Where!!! You got it! CHEDRAUI!!!! Happy happy joy joy! We got another boring eight-hundred pesos worth of groceries. Oh well, we got popcorn after.
     As we were driving home it started to rain a lot. I opened up  the door for the van and slipped into my flip flops. This is when I relate the quote to my day. I grabbed a broom as it was still raining and proceeded to sweep the water off my driveway and into the street. For some reason I find great joy in sweeping water. I guess that is one quirky part of me!
    We played Hearts after lunch and then my dad went upstairs to take a nap like my mom. So it was just Oscar and I awake. We had a tickle fight and then I went outside to sweep some more water off our driveway in the rain, in shorts and in flip flops! It is very satisfying!! Since I was soaking wet and kind of cold, I took a hot shower to get warm and after inched out under the ledge of our roof in my towel to turn off the hot water heater.
   I changed into my pajamas and waited until my parents woke up. Since my mom wasn't feeling well we decided to watch something from netflix. We decided on The Office! I love that show. So we relaxed the rest of the evening watching The Office and eating fried rice with vegetables!
Good Night!!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

       I wish that I could say that I was very attentive at the interesting funeral, but I wasn't. Just a few minutes after Peter started talking about his mother's life as we stood in a circle holding hands, I started to feel like I wasn't getting enough air. There was a thing that had fire in it with incense burning and I started to think that my lungs were bugged by the smoke. I started to see bright dots in my line of vision; I squeezed my dad's hand as I started to sway. I was then hardly able to see from the dots. My dad lead me backwards to sit down on some steps. By this point I was practically blind and very dizzy. I put my head between my legs and my landlady came and helped me inside to lay down. I drank water as I recovered. We think that I was dehydrated since I hadn't had anything to drink all day and I had exercised the day before.
      The ceremony was really nice. On the steps of where Peter's mother had lived, they put pine needles, flowers, incense, rocks and four different colors of corn to symbolize Birth, Youth, Old Age and Death. They strewed her ashes over flowers, a tree and the day before, in a water fall. When I die I want my ashes to be spread all over the world.

     We ate food and talked with lots of different people. Oscar, a boy named Marco and I went upstairs and hung out on the exercise equipment for a while until we said goodbye to everyone and left to go home. My mom wasn't feeling very well; she felt weak and sick.
      As a break between the two funerals that we attended we hung out at home and played Hearts which is a game with cards. It was a bit confusing at first but we finally got the hang of it (well I did but I can't talk for Oscar).
     After we ate dinner, we walked and jumped over to our friend Doña Lesvia's house for the seven month anniversary of her son Rodolfo Jesus Aguilar Zuniga's death. At the same time that Jesus was deathly ill his newborn son was also ill with pneumonia. Soon after Jesus died they told his wife that the baby was also going to die. She was so incredibly sad that she said she wanted to die. The baby recovered and is now a chubby happy baby nearly eight months old. She is still really sad and there is a nine day mourning period that started today. Doña Lesvia said that whenever possible during this mourning period we should come. The altar that they had made was very beautiful.

     Just a note for those of you that will come to visit us, there is a Mexican custom that after you start to get to know someone they will kiss you on the cheek and give you a hug. When we left the house in which there were some boys my age and they did that Mexican custom I was kind of shocked!
Good night!

Saturday, July 21, 2012

      “You can't imagine what a pleasure this complete laziness is to me: not a thought in my brain- you might send a ball rolling through it!” (a quote b Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy) that is how I felt this morning. I sat around all morning in my pajamas (a tank top and fleece bottoms) ate breakfast and just hung out. 
       We talked about going to Zinacantan which is a little village close to San Cristobal. Because I was so happy to just hang about, I objected. We later decided to not go because of my mom's stomach pains. I want to get stronger upper body muscles because girls tend to have stronger legs and I want to be just as strong as boys. At Sedem where we play soccer, they have a running track and some metal exercise machinery open to the public. We did a couple circuits of that while my mom took a nap at home. She also got a massage while we were out. 
       We ate dinner and played spoons (in which there was a rare coincidence of three winning hands at the same time) 

while listening and singing to Fiddler on the Roof which I think is one of the best musicals of all time. As I am writing this, the rest of my family somehow got sucked into watching random videos on youtube that started with rock climbing and ended with cute pig videos.

Good Night!

p.s. Here are my toes all wrapped up on Friday before soccer.

         Yesterday was a lot better that the day before. The ogre and his friend didn't show up!!!!! So happy!!! We did yet another set of different drills (where does he get them all) and learned which part of the foot you should kick the ball with if you want to kick it hard. We kicked a ball held by our partner to learn how to automatically place our foot in the right place. We then proceeded to kick a ball at the fence. My triumph of this drill was kicking the ball over the fence! Profe (which is what the little kids call the coach) seemed pleased and kept asking if I was the one who kicked the ball over the fence. Yes Profe.
      Throughout the week my shoes were way to tight. (I kept forgetting to mention this)  I have seven blisters, one cut and two toenails that will presently fall off. They were very uncomfortable so after the week of pain and wrappings we decided to get new shoes. We went to Chedraui and got some new cleats surprisingly quick as we were starving and there was an extremely limited selection (as in one size 6 shoe.)
       Later that night we watched the TV series called Castle on Netflix! It was really good. If you have younger children I would not recommend this series for they solve murder mysteries. 

Thursday, July 19, 2012

        Today I kind of ate humble pie. Some Mexican boys are less ball hogs and some are nice. Today some new boys came and with them came idiocy. I was picked second to last despite my three goals on the first day. Okay moving on, the boy who picked me was a 14 year old ogre who thought he was something special. He didn't ask me what my name was, where I was from or what position I liked to play. He laughed when I couldn't get the ball, he made fun of the Mexican soccer version of my name (Yumina: no idea where that came from), said nothing when I scored 2 goals and had his hand up his shirt all the time. Now when I try to get the ball from someone else I try hard like other people. The person I tend to try to steal the ball from is weak (generally speaking). I tap him and he makes a big deal out of it as if I am very clumsy or uncoordinated. I felt like today no one took me seriously. I feel that only one boy noticed that I was feeling bad and kind of looked at me to see if I was okay. 
       Okay, done dwelling on the bad parts; I am going to move on. The little kids seem to be nice; one kid, when he hears the confusion in my voice about some drill, will explain it to me. I think that is sweet (even if I understood that part, it's the thought that counts). I walked around town with my dad, went out to eat and ate cookies from a tiendita (little store). 
       I hope that tomorrow is better and brings more happy memories than today!

          Good night!
 Yesterday was really fun. I was paired up with a person (during soccer camp) that I thought was really a good match for me. We did drills in weather that wasn't as hot as the day before. When we scrimmaged and I missed the goal by a couple inches, none of the boys on my team got mad at me. I feel that boys here tend to be less of ball hogs and not as full of themselves. Everyone is really nice even though it was my second day. The best player that I chose to be on my team passed to everyone else more than he shot on goal himself. One kid asked me if we were coming back tomorrow.

We visited the house of a friend who's mother-in-law was sick (and probably about to pass away) so we came to pay our respects and give them some support. We talked for a while and left later than we had anticipated.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Today was the day Oscar and I figured out how out of shape we are.
Just before soccer camp this morning.

      We slept in a little bit more than the day before. We did the usual morning routine and left for the soccer camp. We got really lost which proceeded to our being late.
      We did lots of drills and learned juggling tactics. We started to get really hot. We were sweating and we got quite red in the face. Of course, I was the only girl and possibly one of the oldest. For the last bit of the camp (which lasted 2 and a half hours) we did scrimmage. I scored the first goal and Oscar scored the second. Once my team realized that I wasn't some wimpy girl and that I could score, they start passing to me more. I heard them say "The new ones are scoring the goals".  Once I had the ball they would say variations off my name such as "Yumina", Guie or Guillermina. I then proceeded to score 2 more goals and Oscar scored another. I can't take all of the credit though because a boy named Fernando who played middle fielder was an amazing player and made great passes. I did kick some Mexican boys butts in soccer!!!!
        We came home exhausted but happy. We plan to assist the camp tomorrow. Just as we came home it started to DUMP. It was raining extremely hard and it was practically a flash flood. It then started to hail. They were rather big, maybe half the size of a small, normal marshmallow but very hard. There was a wave generated by a "tope" or speed bump. Afterwards our backyard smelled great because the flowers had been mashed to a pulp.
My mom is narrating the storm here....

      A little side note: Cowjie climbed into my pants drawer and it made a really cute picture.
      At 6:30 we went to a rock climbing place to watch an english documentary called "the first ascent". After the movie they had a raffle and then a climbing contest. Oscar tied for second place with another kid. I, sadly did not have the strength. I was happy of Oscar though.
      I am very tired.

Monday, July 16, 2012

        Today was very interesting day, emotionally and physically.
        I woke up early and ate a croissant for breakfast. After, I took a shower and I got all geared up in my England National team jersey. We drove over to what we thought was a soccer game from 8 am to 12 pm. We had been misinformed and instead were directed to an all sports camp or a purely soccer one. I started to get really really homesick.  I didn't want to have to be the foreigner and not know anyone. I wished for one of my friends to accompany me. I had a lot of trouble deciding which camp to go to. I was feeling very unready to socially experiment.We ended up taking a break from the idea of going to a camp and kick a ball around for a while.

      We talked to the coach of the soccer camp and we are going to try that one tomorrow. I will be practicing with boys my age because none of the girls on his team has shown up. SOOOOO I will kick some Mexican boys butts at soccer!!!!! I remembered Emery!!!

      After we played some indigenous boys in soccer (and figured out how out of shape we are), we went to the store and made a couple messes within 20 feet of the entrance. I spotted some missionaries in the enormous Chedraui so by keeping Emery's family's tradition, I punched Oscar for them!

       Upon returning home I face timed my grandparents for the first time which was very very fun! We ate dinner and are currently making fun of the things Cowjie does. Good Night!!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

          Today was a whirl wind. I got up later this morning after a strange dream about Shawn Johnson!!
           We ate breakfast and did chores.  I beat the ugly rugs with a broom handle! It was quite satisfying! I helped my mom set up a chart for daily, weekly and monthly chores. 
           I also found an unused room at the top of some blue stairs in our backyard. You can't access it from the rest of the house. I was thinking it would be a cool place to have a kids room! We decided to call it the Room of Requirement like the room in Harry Potter! I think it will be a perfect name because it can be used for whatever interests the child guests that come! I was thinking that it could be used as a spy base or a nerf gun war planning room or maybe a Harry Potter common room! 
       Today as I was sitting out on our balcony I noticed Cowjie was on a small 20 FOOT LEDGE!!!!!!! He had no idea how to get down!!! Crazy cat! I yelled to my dad to help him and so he came up and we decided the best way to get him down was to coax him to go across our roof to us!!!! He eventually came and after the whole deal we decided to give him some catnip so that he would always want to come home. A while ago Oscar came into the room that I am in and said he had ACCIDENTALLY BURNED PART OF HIS HAIR!!!!! It smelled terrible and his hair appeared to have caramelized! 
         We decided to go visit our friends that we stayed with a couple times! They were very nice! It was good to see them and even against our best intentions we are going to sleep later than we hoped yet again! 

Saturday, July 14, 2012

     Even though today wasn't as interesting as some of my other days here, I still learned a lot and my parents splurged on groceries.
     We woke up and again our water heater wasn't working; that forced us to call a repair man. He said that he wouldn't be able to come until 1:00 P.M so we ate breakfast instead of taking a shower. Later that morning it turned out the water heater WAS working so we had the repair man come on Monday.
     We took showers and decided to go grocery shopping at a mall called Chedraui. Hangers, water pumps, brooms and a giant grapefruit later, we spent nearly 3,000 pesos on groceries! (There are 12 pesos to a dollar.) After we got McDonald's hot Fudge sundaes (there were no other options) we tried to find a field to play sports at.
      We kicked a Soccer ball around while my parents found a league for Oscar and I to play soccer at during the week in the Summer. It is for 8-12 year olds  (apparently girls and boys) from 8A.M to 12 P.M. I am excited that we found a league but I am a little nervous that I won't be able to keep up (this is Mexico.)
      Tonight we plan to play the game " Ticket to Ride: Europe". Have a good night everyone!

Friday, July 13, 2012

 We arrived to our new house yesterday around 3:00 pm. When we got there our land lady Beatriz Aurora and her daughter showed us around.
       Our house has two floors, a kitchen, two bathrooms and one emergency one, 2 bedrooms upstairs and 1 downstairs, a living room and dining room. 
       I have the bedroom on the bottom floor. It has lots of windows with no curtains, a bed with reversible comforter, a blue desk and chair, a thing with lots of shelves to put things on which currently has a Ravenclaw scarf and tie, the only closet in the house and two recently put up Hunger games posters. 
       Our floor is tile with a few truly hideous rugs! (they are animal print). In the bathrooms there are hand painted tiles adorning the walls. Outside we have a driveway blocked by big opening doors which also hold a smaller door. 
        Today we checked out our school today called DICET. It is different from most schools for these reasons: The teachers call themselves facilitators, we have a swimming pool, they have chickens, turkeys, bunnies and horses, we are supposed to wear a certain uniform on Mondays and a different one for two other days of the week and the other two days are wear-whatever-you-want days, we eat breakfast at school, their snack is fruit and there is no junk food or soda allowed at school! It sounds really cool so I am excited to go! We start on the 20th of August and end in July. 

        In our back yard we have a bit of grass with many fruit and vegetable trees! We have these kinds of trees: avocado, lemon, pear, apple and tobacco (we don't smoke so that one is useless). Plant-wise we have celery, pepper, beets and raspberry. 
        This is my first post and I will update it often so keep checking if you are interested!

Wilhelmina والحلمين विल्हेल्मिना Βιληελμινα ویھلمنا Вильхелмина (my name in random languages)