Saturday, August 4, 2012

Today we experimented a lot and were sometimes rewarded.
      I woke up at about 9:45; I was the second to get up after my mom. We sat on the couch and watched the Olympics for a long while until Oscar and my dad woke up. We ate toast for breakfast before my parents went for a morning run around the city. While they were gone I Skyped my grandma. We call her Nana and it was really fun to talk to her. After that I had to pack my bag for the night that we were going to spend in Tuxtla.
       As we drove to Tuxtla Gutierrez I asked people different things. The thing I really love about asking people questions of opinion, are that everyone has different thoughts. I like to think about things in a different way. They tend to be random and everyone has an interesting answer.
        Once we drove into the hot, humid area of Tuxtla, we checked into the hotel that we had stayed in before. It is called La Hotel Santa Maria and it is nothing special really, just a hotel with white walls, two queen beds, a TV and a elevated bathroom. The one thing we really like about it is that it is right across from the Marimba park. It is really a nice park with lots of trees and has some stands scattered throughout. Below the hotel there are lots of great dessert places.
      We took a taxi to try and get our tourist visas converted to long term ones- which was the main reason we went there.We were told that this was not the correct place and where we needed to go was closed until Monday. We decided to make the trip another day.
      Since we were unable to convert our visas, we went to a pharmacy to try and get Quick Cast 2 for my dad's finger. We bought something similar that unfortunately didn't work. After purchasing the items we walked to a coffee shop for a blood sugar boost since we were all getting slightly grumpy. It turned out to be a Christian Coffee shop called Proverbs. Those of you that know us, know that we are not religious, so we felt a little out of place. The flat screen TV's were showing Christian bands playing music which was not all that great. We ordered a mango strawberry smoothie, two Cappuchino Mochas and a Oreo coffee drink. The mango strawberry smoothie came first and that was VERY delicious. It tasted a lot like fruit instead of a sugary drink. The Cappuchino Mochas came next and those were the BEST I have EVER tasted. There was a little coffee in it but it tasted the most like chocolate. They had whipped cream and a candy apple red maraschino cherry on top. They gave us a chocolate stick which was covered in a thin crust of delicious bread stuff. Oscar's was the same but had blended Oreos in it.  We all walked home feeling much happier. As we walked I asked some more questions like, "If you had to rename yourself and it couldn't just be a different spelling of your name what would you name yourself?" and "If you had to give yourself a nick name that had nothing to do with your name?"
    We took a small rest at our hotel room and walked out and found out it was dumping water from the sky. We got our rain jackets and walked out into the rain as all the locals stared at us like we were crazy Americans!! Can you imagine that?! We splashed through the rain and the still warm air. We walked to the restaurant where we had eaten before and ate dinner in there while lightning flashed outside.  
         After a slightly disappointing dinner we went back to the section of sidewalk under our Hotel and got some really good crepes with Nutella. We went back up to our room and read for a while before it was lights out. Just so everyone knows, if I didn't mention this previously, this was on Friday.

Good Night!!!


  1. "The thing I really love about asking people questions of opinion, are that everyone has different thoughts. I like to think about things in a different way. They tend to be random and everyone has an interesting answer." That's such a wonderful trait, Mina-chan, to "think about things in a different way." Your year in San Cristobal will give you a life-time of thinking about things "in a different way!" Very cool. Papa

  2. Hi Wilhelmina,
    This morning I ate Nutella crepes for breakfast also. My favorite! Yesterday we went to the Farmer's Market and the pool. I'm practicing my free style stroke and hope to be in the Olympics some day! Today I woke up at 9:30 a.m., which was great because I have been getting up at 7:00 a.m. every day to go to summer camp. This week is my LAST summer camp. I'm so happy. It'll be at the Natural History Museum of Utah and Wasatch Community Gardens. We'll eat stuff from the garden for our snack.

    We laughed at your comment about Big Papa's cousins in Mexico!
    Love, Lucy

    1. Nutella crepes are the BEST!! I am glad you enjoy them as much as me! I think it is so cool that you want to be in the Olympics some day!! I would most definitely cheer you on!!!
      Love Wilhelmina

  3. It's raining here, too. Smally and I went swimming for a while until it looked like there might be thunder. Then the sun came out and we went on a walk but he got tired so we came home. Dennis is at work until one and then we might go to a movie!

  4. Your descriptions are wonderful--and made me hungry for a mango smoothie! Thanks for writing so faithfully. It's great to have a sense of what you're doing day to day, and your writing is extremely fun to read.

    1. Thanks!! I love smoothies so much!! When we get back my dad and I are going to get rid of our old blender and treat ourselves to a better one!!
