Sunday, August 5, 2012

Today not very much happened but that doesn't mean it was a bad day.
    I woke up later today though I would have been happy to sleep in even later!!! I woke up groggily and walked out into our living room. I watched some Olympics which is now becoming the norm and ate some surprisingly good Mexican raisin bran. Nearly all morning and part way into the afternoon I watched Olympics and played on the computer.
  After a long while I actually got OFF the computer, turned off the TV and read Pride and Prejudice (which I had put down for a while to read other books). It was a nice break to go back in time a couple centuries ago and read, which actually uses my brain, unlike TV and the computer. After about a half an hour or so we were called outside to be in some possible photos for the author photo for my mom's book. My mom and dad had been at it for a while and then decided for a change of pace to have us possibly in the photos. We had to do poses in front and behind my mom. If we use those photos then they will blur out our faces a little so that the focus is more on my mom. It took longer to take pictures with us in it because sometimes we would get distracted and my dad has to work with three people instead of just my mom.
    After the light faded making it impossible to do anymore photos, we walked out to go find a dinner place. We ended up eating at a place called Kabob which was a really small restaurant though the food was really good. The pita bread was the best I think because it was puffy and yummy. We walked home and that was almost the end of our not-very-interesting-day. One thing I have noticed about living here is that we walk around a lot more because it is a pain to get the car out so we use it mostly for far away places. We are also pretty centrally located so it makes it easier to get around by walking.
Good Night! Here are some pictures of the zoo we went to on Saturday:

Founder of the zoo

Taxidermy of extremely large female crocodile

Live crocodile sitting eerily still

"Please do not enter crocodile habitat"
Hopefully you understand this sign. If not.....

Two larger crocodiles in the water

Vines going up the tree in an orb-like fashion.

Ferret-like animals


Beautiful barn owl

Homemade, actual fruit popsicles

See above for description

Toucan posing dramatically

He is giving us his good side!

Panther (which is really a black jaguar)

Prowling around

Mountain lion

Cute ocelot 

Awwww just like Cowjie

Grey hawk

Interesting fungi (thought you may like that Emery)

Vested Anteater, can you see where it got it's name?

Lizards hanging out

Creepy lizard

He even looked at us!

Pokey tree which is holy to the Mayans (ceiba)

Bamboo in the zoo

I took most of these pictures! I hope you like them!


  1. Beautiful photos, Wilhelmina (although I'm not really one for snakes!). Susan

  2. Fantastic! I like the barn owl and the hawk best.

    1. Thanks! I took the one of the owl and my dad took the picture of the hawk!

  3. Love the photos! I especially like the crocodile exhibit sign (the picture cracks me up!) the mushrooms, which are really quite beautiful but I have no idea what they are, and the toucan. do you like this zoo better than the Hogle Zoo? I already like this one better and I've only seen a coue photos. to be honest, the Utah zoo kind of depresses me. I don't feel like they give the animals enough space to roam around and the animals always look bored which makes me very sad.

    1. Thank you!! When I saw that sign I knew that it would make a good picture because it was so funny looking! I like this one better than the Hogle zoo because hardly any of the animals have the correct habitats. The monkey exhibit in the Hogle zoo is just sad. They live in a concrete house instead of actual trees and stuff.
