Sunday, October 7, 2012

Playing in the mud isn't as un-fun as it seems. (There is less pressure on you if you miss a goal.)
         We went to soccer practice on both Tuesday and Thursday; both days it had rained earlier and I was the tallest and once the oldest there. None of the people I consider "older kids" showed up so I felt more comfortable in that atmosphere. On Tuesday, Profe put me at the front of all the activities so then I really had to get my act together and "pay attention" because if I didn't... embarrassment! Both times it was incredibly muddy and here are some pictures so that you understand the definition of San- Cristobal-really-muddy.

Oscar slipped (can you tell!)

On Thursday, Profe had the brilliant idea to have us do headers. I decided to go first, so Oscar threw the ball to my head and every time he was pretty much right on. The problem here, though, was that the ball was muddy. Muddy ball+earlier-clean-head=muddy head (and in my case, muddy face also). Now I should be able to do that math but my brain was brain dead so after the first four or so headers, the whole left side of my face and bangs were covered in mud. Profe told me to wash the mud off my face with the less muddy water (great).


  1. Mud mud mud. SO fun

  2. Hi this is Sasha which shirt is Oscar's? I miss you guys! See you on spring break.

    1. Hey Sasha!! Oscars shirt is the one that says Shweinsteiger on the left! He wiped out so his is more muddy!

  3. Is this the rainy season in San Cristobal? It would be handy to blame messups on the mud.

    1. The rainy season is just ending now. It is from May or June to October.
