Friday, October 19, 2012

Not a whole lot happened.... but that's okay!
            During school on Friday, nothing much happened but before swimming class, when the teacher didn't show up, Pao, Maya, Ana, Lore, Tilo, Toño, Emma and I took pictures with distorted images. That doesn't sound very fun but it really was! We all were smushed together and we all made faces with different images like: underwater, retro, comic book, fire, drawing and many nameless ones more! Tilo said that Maya, Pao and I are very photogenic. I can't speak for the others but if your dad is a photographer, you would think that from being photographed practically every day of the year (or more) would make you like that (no offense intended, dad)!
           After school we went home and I started on my homework. For dinner we went out to a really good sushi place! I accidentally ordered tempura thinking it was vegetable sushi but generous people in my family gave me some of their sushi.
         When we got home, we watched an episode of Heroes and, devastated by the reoccurring cliff-hangers, we went to bed hooked!


  1. did you know Hovermales make good veggie sushi? when you are back we will have you over to make some rolls. it is really fun. is it still warm enough to swim outside, or are you guys in an indoor pool? it has been cold here this week (about 40 in the morning) - the puppy has been shivering. greetings to your family, it was good to catch up on your blog. love Amanda

    1. Ooooohhh, vegetable sushi is my favorite!! OUr pool is inside because the weather varies a lot.brrrrrr. How has the puppy been?
      love Wilhelmina

  2. What exactly is heroes?

    1. It is a really good TV show that we are addicted to.
