Sunday, October 7, 2012

I conquer my giant fear for my first game.
        On Saturday, the thing I had been fretting about had to take place. Since my "bombing" (doing awfully) in PE practice, I had become even more terrified about my first game on Saturday morning. I showed up early to be able to warm up and was the tallest one there (on my team). The only kids at that time were ones who I knew fairly well: Martine (the older one), Fernando (the smiley one) and Ismael. Then the other Fernando (the really great forward), Pepe (hedgehog kid) and Leonardo (I feel iffy about him) showed up. That, by no means, is a bad thing.
        Alejandro (the assistant coach) tried to put me on defense and I readily tried to push away that idea.  He finally caved in and put me on mid-field (thank god). That was perfectly fine with me because I really really didn't want to have to be in charge of making goals. I had some pretty good passes and by half time we were up 5-1. After half time they started catching up, they got as close as 5-4 (if I remember correctly) and then thanks to some goals by our team, we won. I had one chance at a goal and it soared too far to the left corner and I missed it by a smidgen.
        Regardless of my failed attempt at a goal, I still had a bunch of fun. I like games a LOT more than practice.
Me playing soccer and kind of elbowing the other player (you can see what I mean when I say that I am pretty much the tallest!). Number 32, running behind, is Pepe (the hedgehog kid) and number 10 next to me is Tonatiuh who I have never seen at practice (he is pretty nice though).

         Now the taco-related mystery I hinted at before. The rest of the day/night, my whole family was incredibly gassy. No one else on the Planet Earth would want to be around us that night because it was like a bad smelling orchestra. One person would fart and then the next...... That's how bad it was. We called for a silent farting truce. None of us could help it so we just rolled with it (as bad smelling as it was).


  1. That is soooooo funny. The presidential debate here here is crazy!!

  2. What do you think makes games more fun than practice? It seems as if they would be more stressful (also more exciting, I'm sure).

    Wonder what was in those tacos?!

    1. Well, I feel extremely socially awkward with the older kids during practice and during the game, only the nicest people are there. I just like playing games more than practicing.
