Wednesday, October 10, 2012

On Monday I spent more time outside than in!
         Monday and Wednesday are my favorite days of classes. The first two classes we had were pretty much the same was normal though they sped by unnaturally fast! Breakfast was giant chicken tamales and those were really good, though, towards the end, I was put off by the bones that I found inside.
         In English, Maya and I read The Three Musketeers though by the end of class, we would both rather have read The Hunger Games. After checking my geography project and giving me tips on it, the teacher sent us out to swim class. Now at that time, we were all sort of confused. Aren't Wednesday and Friday the swim days? I thought we had Geography right now? etc. We figured out that Monday swim class was meant to make up for our Friday swim class that we missed. Only two people were informed/brought their suits, so they spent that time messing around with water polo balls and foam noodles.
       After a short time watching, I suggested to Lore that we go take care of the babies. That is one of our new pastimes as we both love babies. We helped with them for a while before we went to eat pineapple (which was our snack).
      Shortly after, we were recruited to harvest corn with the little kids. We would rip the stalks out of the ground and give them to the little kids to put in a pile. By the end, we had one-hundred fifty-two ears of corn! Tomorrow we are going to make corn bread and jam (out of figs that some other classes harvested)! Mariana (the little girl who adopted me (and vice-versa) at the zoo) kissed me hello and good-bye every time we saw each other! That means I kissed her six times!
      We helped make paper and Toño, Lore and I kicked a ball around. If you made a goal, you had to be goalie. At one point, Toño kicked the ball pretty hard and I trapped it with the bottom of my shin. I hurt a lot and the ball left an imprint on my navy-blue tights!
      School flew by in a flash!! My parents came and talked to Eloina and Monica for a little bit before we went. (Small note: Karla had her baby on Sunday! She named it Dylan Yeshua.......!)
      We went to the market (still in our school clothes) to get some get-well flowers for Hugo (Doña Lesvia's son) who recently had his third surgery on his nose. My dad went off to get vegetables while the rest of us made our way to get flowers. Going through the market, we passed: Candle Way, Fancy Watch Boulevard, Gourd Pass, Shoe Alley, Be-headed Chicken Drive and finally arrived at Flower Lane.

  • Candle Way is a small route branching off of the main "road" (you may call it) and sells many types of beautiful candles for every occasion. 
  • Fancy Watch Boulevard is a place where they sell many high-quality (or seeming) watches. 
  • Gourd Pass is something I only found out about recently. It is a very small section of the market where a woman has hollowed out gourds made into bowls and such for sale. 
  • Shoe Alley is an alternative way to get through to the market; it has nicer shops and stands full of stacked or showcased shoes. 
  • Be-headed Chicken Drive is a place with many different stands all with a yellow oil cloth (I think) table cloth under the fresh meat; flies swarm around. 
  • Flower Lane has a series of stands that have singular flowers for very cheap or beautifully arranged flowers for funerals, weddings and more.

       After we met up with our dad, we bought some soda to share and then walked the short distance to Doña Lesvia's house. Hugo looked like he was having a rough time; he had purple and red sacks (of blood I believe) over and under his eyes. His nose was heavily bandaged and he didn't look himself. We talked with him and the other people visiting him as we sipped Fanta and Coke. We excused ourselves around five o'clock and went home. I lost most of the post I am now working on (which was very frustrating) so I hope this is as good!


  1. books, soccer,babies,and shopping.
    You had A pretty good day.

  2. beheaded chicken road sounds very unpleasant! Who would name something that anyway? I imagine that name would be bad for the economy of that street- since no would want to go there.

    1. yeah!! no one on that road would get much buisness (besides the weirdos who think it was funny..)
