So much has happened this last week.
On Sunday, at a little before ten in the morning, my family set out for the initiation of a soccer tournament that our team is going to participate in. As we were driving there, we see Fernando dos and his parents! They seemed as if they were going to try to get a taxi so we gave them a ride instead! We got there and there was a game going on in the stadium. We were very confused, but then again, when aren't we!?
We got a seat in the stands and Fernando showed us a top that he had. It had a string; he would throw it and then pull it back catching it on his hand. He (nice as always) let me and Oscar try!! It was extremely hard! He kept showing us how to do it and let us try again and again. Each time we got less interested in doing it again because we couldn't master it and more people from our team were arriving.
A man over a microphone told us to gather on the other side of the field with our team. We sat on the stands for a short time before Profe lined us up in rows of three. I was next to Ismael and Michelle and behind Fernando. Here are some pictures and videos of us there:
Monday morning was bitter cold. It was also extremely foggy and we could see our warm breath meet the freezing air, making it steam. We stopped classes a little earlier than usual before the Homenaje (flag ceremony) so that we could practice for it. Xotchitl was supposed to take one of the spots in the back but since she didn't come, Lorena volunteered me (thanks Lore...). I quickly learned about the procession even though I was not pleased. I did it without any major mess-ups!
I didn't have very much homework so once I finished what little we had, I went out with my mom to buy some supplies for homemade weights. That was our PE assignment. While we were buying bread, a woman (she looked like an extranjero) overheard us talking about how confused we were about our assignment. When she was done buying her items, she turned around and asked us in an awesome British/British colony accent what our project. I explained to her that it was PE project; she asked us what we were doing in San Cristobal; we told her the usual story. She was about to leave when my curiosity overcame itself and I asked her where she was from. She told told me that she was from Australia and asked me the same question. I quickly replied before she told me "good luck with your project"and slipped out the door.
The part I most remember about Tuesday is the end of soccer practice; it was the first time that anyone asked me a question about myself (since summer camp, that is). It is a big leap for me since most of these boys act like I am not there (with some exceptions). Pepe came up with one of his friends while Oscar and I were partners practicing a drill and asked us where we were from. Then as Oscar and I were walking to my mom's car, we walked past the stands where most of the older kids were hanging out and one of the them yelled out to me, "Where are you from?" but in English. I whipped my head around and just gave them a quick smile. I was kind of stunned and I had already told Pepe where I was from that day so I figured he could tell them. Thinking back on that moment, I probably should have answered him, but then again.....oh well.
Somewhere during the week (I don't remember which day) my whole class went to the store! We went to Sam's Club to buy ingredients for some international dishes we are going to make for another Kermes (meeting/festival) this month. On the way there, I sat on Lore's lap for lack of space and Pao and I punched each other very hard for all the bochos (slug bugs) that we saw. We all hopped out of the car and proceeded to buy the necessary food! It was very enjoyable! One thing I will miss about DICET when I go home is the spontaneity of school. I will miss the shopping trips, harvesting, cooking and other random activities we do at school here.
Okay, now about what I remember from Thursday, about partway through the day, I see Oscar being guided down the hallway by a teacher as he cries. I figure out that his stomach really hurts and that he is really cold despite the unusually warm day. He really wanted to go home so late on, I called my dad and he came to pick Oscar up.
Generally after school on Thursdays, I go to soccer but this time because Oscar was sick, my mom didn't even bother to bring my soccer things. I think she knew that I would refuse to go to soccer without Oscar (who is my social oasis...if that makes any sense at all). We went home and Oscar who was curled up under a blanket watching TV. He seemed fine but then at random times, he would contract, practically cry and touch his tender stomach. He barfed a couple times that day and was unable to eat. The next day he improved greatly.
Swim time is a big thing that I always look forward to. After we had our water polo game (which we won, I am happy to report), Diego grabbed Lore and tried to dunk her/drown her. Then for the sake of copying (I suppose) Kevin grabbed me and tried to do the same. I could not get away from him for the longest time and all I can say is that I hope that does not become a pattern.
Before my soccer game I chatted with my friend Isabelle. As I always say about phone conversations with people in the US (because it's true), it was nice!
I got dressed and got in the car. I showed up on time though the game hadn't started yet. We were waiting for the rest of our team to show up to have enough players to play. I was put in as mid-fielder for a while before I was pulled out. We scored the first goal making it 1-0. Then things took a turn for the worse. The other team scored two easy goals thanks to the failings of Juan Pablo our seemingly disheartened goalie. Everyone on the other team knew my name and granted, I am a guerra (blonde (for Mexico) girl) and am the only girl but still it really surprised me! On corner kicks they would always say, "I got this guy, you get Yurmina!!"
During half-time, Profe gave us a pep talk. I was put as a forward to my dismay and I had the ball right in front of the goal; I had a brain-dead moment and I just passed the ball. Soon after, Profe pulled me out and told me with his arm over my shoulder that if I have another chance like that right in front of the goal, I need to just go for it. I agreed and now I am really going to try to just try to make a goal. As sad as I would be if I didn't make the goal, I can just imagine how extremely happy I would be if I made a goal.
I was put in again as mid-fielder this time upon my request and at one point, I kicked the ball at the same time that a kid from the other team kicked it. My dad commented later that he could hear (practically) the sound of my leg vibrating. The other kid was stunned for a second so I took advantage of the moment and dribbled away from him. I passed the ball to one of my teammates and that was when the pain sunk in. I could barely walk or put weight on my right leg. I was nervous that I could have torn a muscle in my right knee. I asked Profe to come out and I limped over to the sideline. He stretched my leg out and immediately it felt better.
Pepe scored a goal, tying us up 2-2. We were all so happy that Michelle jumped on him! Soon after, the game was over but as we were tied, we had a shoot out.
Our team:Michelle------Made!
Their team: ??????------Made :(
Our team:Gabriel--------Made!
Their team:??????-------Made :(
Our team: Juan Pablo---Made!
Their team:??????--------MISSED!!!
And that was that, we won!! Everyone congratulated Juan Pablo who was the goalie for those shots!
I had a little time to relax before Lore came over to work on our Biology project. Once we finished, we played around with Oscar. Everyone went out to dinner at an Italian place that was delicious. After we ate, we walked to the center where the Cervantino Festival was going on. They constructed a giant stage in front of the big yellow Cathedral. The plaza was packed and the music shook your bones. We tried to find a spot to simply glimpse the stage. This is one moment when almost everyone (even the nicest of people) become selfish putting their needs first (seeing something). There was ice on the stage and all the acts were on ice! They were incredible! Since I could barely see anything, I mostly listened to the music. I wonder what the saints of the church thought about it! At one moment, I thought "I would rather be here than any other place." That moment lasted not very long, but it was nice while it lasted. Lore was behind me with her hands on my shoulders and then when we got cotton candy, we moved next to each other and ate the cotton candy with our sticky fingers.
Unfortunately, I woke up pretty early on Sunday morning to get ready for a morning road race. It was being hosted by a Rotary Club. I didn't train at all because it is only a five kilometer race.
We jogged over to the cathedral and joined the group of people waiting to start. A lot of them were extranjeros. The race was really fun and at the end (like all of my road races), I could not feel my feet as I sprinted over the finish line!
On Sunday, at a little before ten in the morning, my family set out for the initiation of a soccer tournament that our team is going to participate in. As we were driving there, we see Fernando dos and his parents! They seemed as if they were going to try to get a taxi so we gave them a ride instead! We got there and there was a game going on in the stadium. We were very confused, but then again, when aren't we!?
We got a seat in the stands and Fernando showed us a top that he had. It had a string; he would throw it and then pull it back catching it on his hand. He (nice as always) let me and Oscar try!! It was extremely hard! He kept showing us how to do it and let us try again and again. Each time we got less interested in doing it again because we couldn't master it and more people from our team were arriving.
A man over a microphone told us to gather on the other side of the field with our team. We sat on the stands for a short time before Profe lined us up in rows of three. I was next to Ismael and Michelle and behind Fernando. Here are some pictures and videos of us there:
This other team's mascot is an eagle and a handler brought one for the procession. Talk about unfair!! |
Our big team; find Oscar and me. |
From top left: Profe, Luis (evil jerk), Rodolfo, ???,???, me, Wicho, ???, Gabriel Bottom left: ???, Michelle, Fernando (dos), Martine, Fernando, Eric and Ismael. |
From top left: Profe, Gabo, Oscar Pollo, Victor, Jose Luis, ???, ??? Bottom row starting from the left: Javier, Oscar, Toño, ???, Dago, ??? |
Adorable Lalito far right on bottom row! |
The goal to start the tournament |
Monday morning was bitter cold. It was also extremely foggy and we could see our warm breath meet the freezing air, making it steam. We stopped classes a little earlier than usual before the Homenaje (flag ceremony) so that we could practice for it. Xotchitl was supposed to take one of the spots in the back but since she didn't come, Lorena volunteered me (thanks Lore...). I quickly learned about the procession even though I was not pleased. I did it without any major mess-ups!
I didn't have very much homework so once I finished what little we had, I went out with my mom to buy some supplies for homemade weights. That was our PE assignment. While we were buying bread, a woman (she looked like an extranjero) overheard us talking about how confused we were about our assignment. When she was done buying her items, she turned around and asked us in an awesome British/British colony accent what our project. I explained to her that it was PE project; she asked us what we were doing in San Cristobal; we told her the usual story. She was about to leave when my curiosity overcame itself and I asked her where she was from. She told told me that she was from Australia and asked me the same question. I quickly replied before she told me "good luck with your project"and slipped out the door.
The part I most remember about Tuesday is the end of soccer practice; it was the first time that anyone asked me a question about myself (since summer camp, that is). It is a big leap for me since most of these boys act like I am not there (with some exceptions). Pepe came up with one of his friends while Oscar and I were partners practicing a drill and asked us where we were from. Then as Oscar and I were walking to my mom's car, we walked past the stands where most of the older kids were hanging out and one of the them yelled out to me, "Where are you from?" but in English. I whipped my head around and just gave them a quick smile. I was kind of stunned and I had already told Pepe where I was from that day so I figured he could tell them. Thinking back on that moment, I probably should have answered him, but then again.....oh well.
Somewhere during the week (I don't remember which day) my whole class went to the store! We went to Sam's Club to buy ingredients for some international dishes we are going to make for another Kermes (meeting/festival) this month. On the way there, I sat on Lore's lap for lack of space and Pao and I punched each other very hard for all the bochos (slug bugs) that we saw. We all hopped out of the car and proceeded to buy the necessary food! It was very enjoyable! One thing I will miss about DICET when I go home is the spontaneity of school. I will miss the shopping trips, harvesting, cooking and other random activities we do at school here.
Okay, now about what I remember from Thursday, about partway through the day, I see Oscar being guided down the hallway by a teacher as he cries. I figure out that his stomach really hurts and that he is really cold despite the unusually warm day. He really wanted to go home so late on, I called my dad and he came to pick Oscar up.
Generally after school on Thursdays, I go to soccer but this time because Oscar was sick, my mom didn't even bother to bring my soccer things. I think she knew that I would refuse to go to soccer without Oscar (who is my social oasis...if that makes any sense at all). We went home and Oscar who was curled up under a blanket watching TV. He seemed fine but then at random times, he would contract, practically cry and touch his tender stomach. He barfed a couple times that day and was unable to eat. The next day he improved greatly.
Swim time is a big thing that I always look forward to. After we had our water polo game (which we won, I am happy to report), Diego grabbed Lore and tried to dunk her/drown her. Then for the sake of copying (I suppose) Kevin grabbed me and tried to do the same. I could not get away from him for the longest time and all I can say is that I hope that does not become a pattern.
Before my soccer game I chatted with my friend Isabelle. As I always say about phone conversations with people in the US (because it's true), it was nice!
I got dressed and got in the car. I showed up on time though the game hadn't started yet. We were waiting for the rest of our team to show up to have enough players to play. I was put in as mid-fielder for a while before I was pulled out. We scored the first goal making it 1-0. Then things took a turn for the worse. The other team scored two easy goals thanks to the failings of Juan Pablo our seemingly disheartened goalie. Everyone on the other team knew my name and granted, I am a guerra (blonde (for Mexico) girl) and am the only girl but still it really surprised me! On corner kicks they would always say, "I got this guy, you get Yurmina!!"
During half-time, Profe gave us a pep talk. I was put as a forward to my dismay and I had the ball right in front of the goal; I had a brain-dead moment and I just passed the ball. Soon after, Profe pulled me out and told me with his arm over my shoulder that if I have another chance like that right in front of the goal, I need to just go for it. I agreed and now I am really going to try to just try to make a goal. As sad as I would be if I didn't make the goal, I can just imagine how extremely happy I would be if I made a goal.
I was put in again as mid-fielder this time upon my request and at one point, I kicked the ball at the same time that a kid from the other team kicked it. My dad commented later that he could hear (practically) the sound of my leg vibrating. The other kid was stunned for a second so I took advantage of the moment and dribbled away from him. I passed the ball to one of my teammates and that was when the pain sunk in. I could barely walk or put weight on my right leg. I was nervous that I could have torn a muscle in my right knee. I asked Profe to come out and I limped over to the sideline. He stretched my leg out and immediately it felt better.
Pepe scored a goal, tying us up 2-2. We were all so happy that Michelle jumped on him! Soon after, the game was over but as we were tied, we had a shoot out.
Our team:Michelle------Made!
Their team: ??????------Made :(
Our team:Gabriel--------Made!
Their team:??????-------Made :(
Our team: Juan Pablo---Made!
Their team:??????--------MISSED!!!
And that was that, we won!! Everyone congratulated Juan Pablo who was the goalie for those shots!
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View down on San Cristobal |
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Lore and I |
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The Festival |
Unfortunately, I woke up pretty early on Sunday morning to get ready for a morning road race. It was being hosted by a Rotary Club. I didn't train at all because it is only a five kilometer race.
We jogged over to the cathedral and joined the group of people waiting to start. A lot of them were extranjeros. The race was really fun and at the end (like all of my road races), I could not feel my feet as I sprinted over the finish line!