Just a(nother) weird day.
Again at school we gathered in the kitchen for presentations as we seem to constantly be doing. I sat next to the projector where on my side it was letting out warm air. I put my hands up to it and sat like that through Lore and Tilo's presentation. Lore's was very nice but Eloina kept asking her these hard questions like "Why is it important to learn about Newton's laws of physics?" That had her and everyone else very stumped, so just because of that and the fact she hesitated in her explanations, Eloina gave her a temporary six and told her that if she presented again the next day, she could possibly get a ten.
After that, Lore was really upset because she felt like Eloina was being unfair (she is her aunt) and that she didn't even let her finish her whole presentation (her dad (the physics teacher) kept telling her that she needed to add various stuff to her project and in the end she didn't even get to read it all). Another problem: she is terrified of speaking in public, it really stresses her out. Me and some other people tried to comfort and give advice to her. After a bit of talk though, I had to go present a project about GPS and time zones so I gave her a big hug and ran off to class.
In that class, I gave my presentation and since I gave some explanations after everything I explained (Kevin did too; we are the only two in this class because we are the only ones from first year), she gave us both a ten and said that we both did much better.
After breakfast, Eloina told us to do our cross-stitch; but, after a string of events, that never ended up happening! Well first, after brushing our teeth, we were tossing Lorena's balled-up gloves at Tilo. He in turn, was doing the same; Lore warned me that if we threw too high and it didn't hit Tilo, it would fly past the railing and onto the roof of the garage. Just after that, she threw it and it landed on the roof. We later ended up using the flag stick thingy to pull the gloves towards us. After many trials and errors, we got the gloves.
In the next class, we practiced the escolta . At one point, Evodio pulled back on my hood and I tried to kick him and failed miserably! Then he told me, "Te quiero mucho," (I love you a lot, friend style) and that struck me as a weird way of saying that! But in the end, whatever, we are all sort of weird at this school!
As we waited around for a bit before we started our run, Evodio called me over. He asked me if I wanted to run with him and Diego and talk like we did last time. I said sure and so I set off with them as we ran to a little field. There, the swim teacher taught us some running technique and we tried it out.
We started again and Evodio and I ran in the lead and felt more tired than the time before! We only made it running to a little road. They bought some drinks and then we walked up the remainder of the steepest part of the hill.
We got into the FREEZING water and jumped out just in time to rush into our clothes before class. After that, we had Spanish and we got pretty little done before I went to Biology class with Kevin while Mauricio and I stomped on each other's feet.
I walked into the group parent meeting for Primary school in which they were watching a cheesy slideshow that had cute babies in impossible positions. There were also words that appeared on every slide that said things like, "Take a moment today to think about all the decisions you have made for them," as music played.
When we went home, I finished my homework and then had my Spanish class with Gaby!!
Good Night!
Again at school we gathered in the kitchen for presentations as we seem to constantly be doing. I sat next to the projector where on my side it was letting out warm air. I put my hands up to it and sat like that through Lore and Tilo's presentation. Lore's was very nice but Eloina kept asking her these hard questions like "Why is it important to learn about Newton's laws of physics?" That had her and everyone else very stumped, so just because of that and the fact she hesitated in her explanations, Eloina gave her a temporary six and told her that if she presented again the next day, she could possibly get a ten.
After that, Lore was really upset because she felt like Eloina was being unfair (she is her aunt) and that she didn't even let her finish her whole presentation (her dad (the physics teacher) kept telling her that she needed to add various stuff to her project and in the end she didn't even get to read it all). Another problem: she is terrified of speaking in public, it really stresses her out. Me and some other people tried to comfort and give advice to her. After a bit of talk though, I had to go present a project about GPS and time zones so I gave her a big hug and ran off to class.
In that class, I gave my presentation and since I gave some explanations after everything I explained (Kevin did too; we are the only two in this class because we are the only ones from first year), she gave us both a ten and said that we both did much better.
After breakfast, Eloina told us to do our cross-stitch; but, after a string of events, that never ended up happening! Well first, after brushing our teeth, we were tossing Lorena's balled-up gloves at Tilo. He in turn, was doing the same; Lore warned me that if we threw too high and it didn't hit Tilo, it would fly past the railing and onto the roof of the garage. Just after that, she threw it and it landed on the roof. We later ended up using the flag stick thingy to pull the gloves towards us. After many trials and errors, we got the gloves.
In the next class, we practiced the escolta . At one point, Evodio pulled back on my hood and I tried to kick him and failed miserably! Then he told me, "Te quiero mucho," (I love you a lot, friend style) and that struck me as a weird way of saying that! But in the end, whatever, we are all sort of weird at this school!
As we waited around for a bit before we started our run, Evodio called me over. He asked me if I wanted to run with him and Diego and talk like we did last time. I said sure and so I set off with them as we ran to a little field. There, the swim teacher taught us some running technique and we tried it out.
We started again and Evodio and I ran in the lead and felt more tired than the time before! We only made it running to a little road. They bought some drinks and then we walked up the remainder of the steepest part of the hill.
We got into the FREEZING water and jumped out just in time to rush into our clothes before class. After that, we had Spanish and we got pretty little done before I went to Biology class with Kevin while Mauricio and I stomped on each other's feet.
I walked into the group parent meeting for Primary school in which they were watching a cheesy slideshow that had cute babies in impossible positions. There were also words that appeared on every slide that said things like, "Take a moment today to think about all the decisions you have made for them," as music played.
When we went home, I finished my homework and then had my Spanish class with Gaby!!
Good Night!
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